The Handheld Signing Math & Science Dictionaries for Deaf
and Hard of Hearing Museum Visitors Research Project

Field Test Video Clips

Family Visitors
Science in the Park Activities With Word Lists

Clip 1 shows a hearing aunt of a deaf child and her hearing daughter, who is the deaf child's cousin, at the "Spin" activity.

Clip 2 shows a hearing mother, her deaf daugher, and hearing niece are at the "Swing" activity.

Clip 3 shows a family that includes hearing parents and a hearing and a hard of hearing child at the "Slide" activity.

Clip 4 shows a hearing mother and her two hard of hearing daughters doing the "How Long is a Minute?" activity.

Family Visitors
Take a Closer Look Activities With Word Lists

Clip 5 shows a hearing mother and her deaf daughter at the "Seeing Heat" activity.

Clip 6 shows a deaf child and her Big Sister from the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program doing the "Hot or Cold?" activity.

Clip 7 shows a deaf child and her Big Sister from the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program doing the "Seeing a Sound Wave" activity.

Family Visitors
Take a Closer Look Activities Without Word Lists

Clip 8 shows a hearing mother and her hard of hearing daughter doing the "View From Space" activity.

Clip 9 shows a family doing the "View from Space" activity.

Clip 10 shows a hearing mother standing in front of the "View From Space" activity looking up a term from "Whose Woods Are These?"
